The God of May and June
This is what 16 years in Catholic school hath wrought.
We haven’t posted much for lo, these eight weeks.
We haven’t posted much because we haven’t written much.
We haven’t written much because it was May, and then it was June. And apparently, when God created the world and The Garden and Man and Woman, He also – in His all-powerful mystery – created May, and then June. And then He said: “Do not be afraid, though I shall make these montheths a gauntlet – especially for YOU, EVE,” and Eve chewed annoyedly on her apple because she could read the tea leaves.
And behold, the schools did listen, and they did scheduleth the kids’ Book Bonanza, musical recital, field day, art gallery, bake sale, and many, many half days to give glory to the God of May.
And the rec leagues, they too listened and set forth games for every night of the week to be held in gardens far away.
And the summer camps they did also listen, and they agreeth together to each serve the Lord at different hours but to also each serve the Lord at hours an eensy bit mismatched from a typical work schedule. And they did agreeth to serve age groups just an eensy bit different than the ones for which Eve might be looking. And they did agreeth to require far more fruits from the Garden as payment than really fair because, LOL, what else are Adam and Eve going to do with those fruits – save for retirement? THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.
And the allergens, they did give glory to the God of June with a rainbow of symptoms from allergic conjunctivitis to to run-of-the-mill sneezing.
And the fiscal year, it did also listen, and set June as end of quarter for anyone working a corporate job and as the start of fieldwork for anyone working a county job so both Adam and Eve would be just a little frantic about their performance.
And the coronavirus, a creature of God or human labs depending who you ask (but don’t ask because the Garden is rife with snakes) gave the glory and honor to God by transforming itself into… FLiRt?! fLirT? Something like that. Because God and the coronavirus and virologists who name viral strains can have a pretty good sense of humor. And anyway, FLiRt took Adam to the mat.
But then, because the Lord giveth and then taketh away both the good and the bad, He also created extended families for Adam and Eve to help them crawl their way to the end of spring. And He (She??) created something after June called Michigan summer. And into this new season She set forth sprinklers and popsicles and fireflies and finches and a lake as blue as cornflowers. And then, after Her hard work of creation, She decided that all She had created was Good. And, She declared, she needed a rest.
So She popped a holiday on the calendar for early July and invited Adam and Eve to join her, and they hatched a plan to lay by that cornflower lake on that July holiday in that beautiful season and feed their parched souls.