Categories: Art & Poetry // biznass // Dread // Foster & Adopt // Grievances // Joys // Misophonia // writing // all
Little Surprises
In Real Simple houses, blankets are neatly folded or artistically piled on unstained sofas. Your sofa has pencil illustrations, marker streaks, and blood stains.
Economies of Scale
It’s not that I didn’t want our fourth. I just wanted to know that my husband and I weren’t the only ones who thought 4 > 3
Mama’s Got a Brand New Face
I could sand down every rough edge on my body but I’d still be taking up space.
Relationship To Child
After all, it was true. Whatever our hearts said, whatever we’d been through, we were not legally their parents. And when it comes to paperwork, legality is the whole point.
Dance Mom (Part 1 of Infinity)
I can’t help but fast-forward to high school competitions where she’ll be, I guess, slathering herself with fake tanner, donning a 5-pound curly wig, and dousing herself so thoroughly in gender norms that the stain will never come out.
Confessions of a parent who does not win at Valentine’s Day
“They know now. They know that we don’t know what we’re doing.”
Science experiments
I’ve been an unwilling participant for seven years in a study about the physical and psychological impacts of sleep deprivation and mess.
Of layoffs and littles.
Searching for work may be a full-time job, but it doesn’t hold a candle to parenting small kids without childcare.
A Wolf At the Door
I’m collecting anxieties. As the years pass, and especially now that I have children, I can name any number of ways that everyday activities can go sideways.
How the Grinch Overcame Misophonia
When the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes did it compress a nerve somewhere between his ears and brain? Did blowing his trumpet down Mount Crumpet deafen him ever so slightly so that the flooflovers and gardookas didn’t hold such power over him?
Just a Quick Rant As I Fall
Society watches uncomfortably and assigns blame to the silly women toppling over the edge. “It’s too bad,” they say, “They should do something!”